Neem (Azarditachta indica) is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Various parts of this tree have long been utilized in traditional Asian medine.

Hostorically, it has been used to treat pain, fever and infection, while its twigs have been used to clean teeth.

* Helps promote hair health.

* Aid liver and kidney health.

* Improves skin health.

* ulcer and wound healing.

* Anti-Malarial effects.

* Diabetes management.

Suggested Use: The effectual therapeutic dosage of Neem may very from person to person depending upon the age, body strength, effects on appetite, severity, and condition of the patient. It is strictly advocated to consult an ayurvedic practitioner as he or she would evaluate the patient’s indications and prescribe an effective dose for a specific period.
How to use: Half teaspoon twice daily with warm water after meals.
Ingredient: Dried Neem (Azardirachta indica) leaf.