Panchamrit soap heels the scars and removes the marks. Removes the excess oil from the face and facilitate reduction of pimples & acne, used in treatment of insect bites. Aids in removing the tan tightens the facial skin. Powerful antiseptic, used in treating minor skin abrasions.

"Herbal Bathing Soap
How to use: Wet body and face, apply generously and rinse. Key
Ingredients: Natural Extracts of Panch Amrit (Honey, Ghee, Tulsi, Haldi & Almond), Glycerine, Perfume, Sorbitol, Aqua, Sodium Palmate/ Strearate, Sodium Rosinate, Propylene Glycol, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, PEG-4, Tetra Sodium EDTA, Linalool & Soap base made from vegetable origin. TFM 80% / Grade 1 Soap / Herbal Proprietary Product